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Big Data Integration into OpenClinica's eCRFs

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OC-Big is an open source software extension for the electronic data capture system OpenClinica ( and has been developed at the Department of Medical Informatics, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Germany. OC-Big aims at enriching OpenClinica by a new module for convenient and context-related data integration of large volume files into electronic case report forms (eCRFs). OC-Big is developed using JavaScript (JQuery) and PHP, and is based on other open source projects, namely jQuery File Upload ( and zip.js (

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Installation Guide

System Requirements

The following system requirements represent the system configuration of our server. In general, it should also work with similar components.


Attention: Currently, OpenClinica has to be configured to be running through the Apache (Port 80) instead of Tomcat (Port 8080) to get OC-Big working. Since OC-Big is running in Apache, cross domain calls would be performed during communication with OpenClinica. These calls are usually forbidden by the browsers and cannot be executed. The following installation manual assumes that OpenClinica should be also running through Apache and explains how this can be set up (step 3).

1. Install OpenClinica

If not already done, install OpenClinica with all requirements. Installation guides for Linux/Windows can be found here. The following manual is based on a Linux (Debian) installation of OpenClinica.

2. Install Apache

Pointing the web browser to http://localhost/ takes us to the default Apache page confirming that Apache has been installed. If not, the command

aptitude install apache2

will catch apache2 from the debian packages and install it.

3. Install Apache Tomcat Connector

As explained before, we now have to configure OpenClinica to be additionally accessible via Apache. For this, we have to forward Apache calls on Port 80 to our OpenClinica location in Tomcat on Port 8080 via mod_jk.

First we install mod_jk

aptitude install libapache2-mod-jk

After this, we configure the /etc/libapache2-mod-jk/ file. It should look like this: workers.tomcat_home=/usr/share/tomcat7 workers.java_home=/usr/lib/jvm/default-java ps=/ worker.list=ajp13_worker worker.ajp13_worker.port=8009 worker.ajp13_worker.type=ajp13 worker.ajp13_worker.lbfactor=1 worker.loadbalancer.type=lb worker.loadbalancer.balance_workers=ajp13_worker

But, workers.tomcat_home and workers.java_home have to be adapted to your Tomcat/Java home directories.

After this, we configure Tomcat in so far, that it will allow mod_jk calls. For this, we uncomment the following lines in Tomcat’s /conf/server.xml of your Tomcat root folder:

<Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443" />

In the next step, we have to load OpenClinica from Tomcat into Apache. For this, we modify the /etc/apache2/mods-available/jk.conf file and add the following lines

JkMount /openclinica/* ajp13_worker JkMountCopy All

In the first line, our OpenClinica web app folder /openclinica/ (adapt this line here, if you changed the name) and all its sub-content is released for Apache forwarding. The second lines says that this configuration should be automatically adapted to all (virtual)-hosts defined in Apache.

Now, we just have to restart Apache and Tomcat. After this our OpenClinica installation should be available at http://hostname/OpenClinica. In addition, it should be still available at http://hostname:8080/OpenClinica, but when accessing it this way, OC-Big might not work due to cross domain calls.

4. Install PHP

PHP5 is required for OC-Big to process transferred files on server side. This can be installed along with the php apache module by

aptitude install php5 libapache2-mod-php5

After this, a server restart must be done

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

5. Install PHP Zip Extension

Zip functionality is not usually enabled with standard php installations. To check whether the zip functionality is enabled or not, the phpinfo() function can be used. PHP's zip functionality has to be enabled by

# compiling php with the --enable-zip option OR # install it via PECL, e.g. install PECL, modify the php.ini file and uncomment

6. Extract the OC-Big archive to a temporary folder

The zip file contains the directories

7. Copy contents on server

Copy the complete content of OC-Big archive into a folder in your Apache's default document root directory (e.g /var/www/oc-big-112/).

8. Set folder permissions

In the directories /server/php/ and /server/php/files/ the transferred files are stored, so these directories need permissions (777).

9. Copy Pop-Up call script into your OpenClinica Tomcat folder

The script /openclinica/showImageUpload.js has to be copied into your OpenClinica Tomcat folder. After a backup, create a folder (e.g. /javascripts/) inside the OpenClinica webapp folder and copy the script file here. This script has to be available inside Tomcat, because it is called from OpenClinica itself.

10. Customize eCRF

Open the /openclinica/OC-Big.xls sample eCRF and modify it. Here a sample integration for image upload into the eCRF is already available. An overview of the parameters, which can be generally set in the eCRF is given below.

11. Install eCRF

Install the eCRF as usual in OpenClinica.

12. Ready!


OC-Big can be configured directly in the eCRF by modification of the upload button tag. In the sample eCRF it is as follows:

<span class="uploadButton" widthQ="240px" fileType="png" fileCount="1" imgWidth="240px" imgFloat="right" imgDefault="/openclinica/crfImages/default.png" apacheBD="oc-big-112" savePath="/var/www/oc-big-112/server/php/final/” token="test1234!"/>

You can modify the following parameters to adapt OC-Big to your needs: